Tag: hero dogs
PACK 2: Humility – Kickstarter
Live now on Kickstarter It’s Time for Kindness Nine months after we successfully Kickstarted PACK #1: Humility, it’s time to continue the saga of the 6 stray dogs—and 1 stray man—of the PACK! The writing by Lynsey G, art by Jayel Draco and Ludwig Olimba, and lettering by Cardinal Rae for PACK #2: Kindness are…
kickstarted PACK ( A PACKstarter success story)
We have successfully Kickstarted PACK! You heard it! We did it! We kickstarted PACK!!! We were funding a 1,000-copy print run of the first issue of PACK at Kickstarter! Our aim was to make 1,000 X 28 page (24 + cover) copies, but we hit our third stretch goal and will be printing 1,000 X 36 page…