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Tag: commercials

  • Jayel Draco’s Reel 2016

    Jayel Draco’s Reel 2016

    Hello and thanks for stopping by. I’m super excited to share “Jayel Draco – Reel 2016” with you. Enjoy! Jayel Draco’s Reel 2016. Featuring: Animation, Compositing, Visual Effects, and Motion Graphics. This video showcases Jayel Draco’s works on such projects as: Marvels’ “Astonishing X-Men: Gifted – Motion Comic”. Neal Adams’ “Blood” Motion Comic. Various Panopticon…

  • Updates – Been A while. . .

    Updates – Been A while. . .

    Hello, Thanks for reading my blog, I really do appreciate your interest in my updates. Without your interest, it would be meaningless. It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update. Things have been quite busy.   To start with, the music video for “History Lessons” by the band Dinosaur Feathers (directed by Christopher Piazza)…