We have successfully Kickstarted PACK!
You heard it! We did it! We kickstarted PACK!!! We were funding a 1,000-copy print run of the first issue of PACK at Kickstarter! Our aim was to make 1,000 X 28 page (24 + cover) copies, but we hit our third stretch goal and will be printing 1,000 X 36 page issues! That’s a bunch of extra material we get to include for you, including fan art from other artists that we love on the twitch community!

Humility, the PACK’s smallest but fiercest member, will now get his very own comic book, and PACK fans will get to hold it in their hands. Our backers will get their own signed copy of PACK #01: Humility, art prints, original sketches, cameo appearances in future issues, and so much more!
Those of you who backed us, thank you all so much for your support, we couldn’t have kickstarted PACK without you! Those of you who didn’t hear about it or couldn’t back us for whatever reason, fret not you’ll still be able to get copies of PACK #01: Humility from our store when it’s available.
About PACK, the comic book:
PACK is a costumed crime-fighter, vigilante justice comic book about a pack of six stray dogs—and one stray man—who put crime under the fang.
Brooklyn is a place where corruption runs deep, and the only way to stay safe is to assume everyone is on the take. That’s why, on such lawless streets, these pups see it as their duty to protect the innocent. So Patience and the dogs of virtue, each with their own history of trauma and redemption, prowl the darkest alleys of the Brooklyn night and enforce their own brutal justice, showing zero tolerance for abuse of the innocent. In these dark times, the line between hero and villain is blurred. But to the PACK it’s simple: theirs is the only acceptable violence. And their retribution is as swift as it is fierce.
Still, their vigilantism draws attention from the wrong places. Politicians, police, and press start to close in. And soon, one rookie cop must try to draw a line between right and wrong before it’s too late…
Get Involved:
Follow Patience and the dogs of virtue here, and support them at Oneshi Press’s Patreon page! Subscribers enjoy first looks at the development of the comic and a slew of rewards. Visit the campaign at patreon.com/oneshipress to get involved, and to help PACK and other great books get published. Subscribe now for art prints, letters from characters, complimentary comics, and much more!
Don’t forget to grab a copy of the anthology—including eight pages of PACK in each—at the Oneshi Press Store!
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