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PACK 2: KINDNESS is live on Kickstarter

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The Pack Sequel is on it’s way, but need some help. We’re raising the funds to print it via kickstarter, but it’s not asking for just a handout. All our backers will receive PACK #2: Kindness in print or digital format! We’re also excited to offer super-cool rewards, like shwag packs of stickers and postcards, signed art prints, copies of PACK #1, original sketches of the members the PACK, other Oneshi Press comics such as PACK 1: Humility, Tracy Queen Volume 1, Anthologies 1-7, Even a Cameo in an upcoming issue and more!

This one is all about Kindness

PACK comic book character Bio for Kindness, the pitbull

Each member of this PACK of stray dogs—and one stray man—has a backstory. Each will be told in its own standalone issue of the vigilante comic book series PACK.

Kindness was raised as a family dog in a loving home…but the good times didn’t last. Kidnapped and forced into a life of fighting for survival, Kindness had to find his own way out. He was taken in by the PACK, and now he’s thriving. Although Kindness is usually sweet and mild, his occasional outburst of extreme viciousness tell a tale of trauma. In PACK #2: Kindness, readers will discover the rest of his story…

Now that the writing, art, and lettering for the second 24-page issue of the 7-part PACK series are finished, we’re raising funds for printing and distribution, as well as payment for our contributors.

Backers get their moneys worth and then some!

We’re working with Backerkit to get you even more goodies after the Kickstarter is successfully funded! You’ll be able to add the following to your order at checkout: Art prints! Stickers! Oneshi Press comics in print or digital! Hand-drawn sketches! Even cameos in future volumes! And lots more!

sweet kickstarter backer rewards and add ons through backerkit

You’ll also get the warm tingles associated with doing a good deed and bringing awareness to animal rights issues! Who doesn’t like warm tingles?

3d Doggos in your feed! like PACK on facebook to stay in the know!

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