The second installment of “Interview with my Nonna.”
It’s my pleasure to share with you Part II picking up right where we left off in Part I, Enjoy!
So my Nonna (grandmother), Alda Rose “Chichi” Hodgskin, was in town visiting our family out here in MT all the way from from NY, where I grew up and where much of my extended family still resides. At dinner she was telling one of her stories from a time long before I was born, like she often does. It occurred to me that her stories never seem to miss a beat and are so rich with detail and history that I really should start recording them. So I did, and we got an hour and a half of really fun and interesting storytelling, which I decided to break up into two segments. In this the first part, she covers being born in 1932 in Argentina and growing up there, her family and home life there, and traveling to Europe and meeting/staying with family in Italy. Then she brings it right up to the moment when she left to head to the USA. The story is sprinkled with plenty of interesting period trivia as remembered firsthand.
Intro music by Jack Schell the Soundweaver. I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I have.
Listen to Part 1 of this two-part podcast HERE

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