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Graphic Design

Graphic Design by Jayel Draco

Graphic Design - Beam Divider by Jayel Draco
This gallery features examples of commissioned Graphic Design artwork Jayel has made for corporations, small businesses, and individuals – including; vector logos, splash pages, promotional materials, and more.

As you can see in the Commercials section of the Video Work page on this site, Jayel has a a widge range of skills including an ability to create strong Graphic Design elements as well as commercial video work. Often companies that Jayel has done Graphic Design work for, he’ll also do Commercial Video Work for as well, which helps to give the company a more seamlessly branded look and feel to their presentation.

For information regarding prints and/or commissions, please contact Jayel via: jayeldraco@hotmail.com
Please include either something along the lines of “Prints” or “Commissions” in the emails subject line.