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CoG Photomanipulations by Jayel Draco

The above gallery shows Photomanipulation work by Jayel, including breakdowns of his digital composites. These Photomanipulations focus on character and world design for the ongoing work-in-progress “Children of Gaia” a fantasy epic coming soon by Oneshi Press. Almost all of these are created from photos that he’s taken himself, including backgrounds comprised of many various photos taken during his travels. He even created the costumes the models are wearing. In some cases the even the plants and mushrooms composited into the backgrounds he grew himself.

Misc. Photomanipulations by Jayel Draco

These photomanipulation works run through a variety of projects, some for hire, some for his personal portfolio.

For information regarding prints and/or commissions, please contact Jayel via:
Please include either something along the lines of “Prints” or “Commissions”  in the emails subject line.